198 – Use of Silence in Counselling

198 – Use of Silence in Counselling Does Your History Inform Your Practice? – Race and Culture In Episode 198 of the Counselling Tutor Podcast, Rory Lees-Oakes and Ken Kelly take us through three topics: ‘Counselling Foundations’ – where in this episode the use of silence within counselling will be explored. ‘Focus on Self’ –

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CT Podcast Ep198 featured image - Topics Discussed: Use of Silence in Counselling – Does Your History Inform Your Practice? – Race and Culture: Why core competence matters?

Developing Core Competence in Race and Culture: Eight Reasons Why It Matters

In this lecture, psychotherapist Mamood Ahmad aims to help you understand why core competence in race, culture and antidiscrimination matters so you can situate your learning. After listening to the lecture, you will be able to: explain why race and culture core competence is vital recognise the possible consequences of not being core competent understand

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Developing Core Competence in Race and Culture - CPD lecture

Talking Respectfully about Sexuality and Gender Identity with Clients

In this lecture, counsellor Daniel Winstanley aims to help you consider how to talk respectfully with clients about gender and sexuality. His objectives are: to describe the challenges that therapists experience talking about gender and sexuality with clients to recognise the importance of appropriate language, particularly to LGBTQ+ and GSRD communities (due to historical and

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Talking Respectfully about Sexuality and Gender Identity with Clients - CPD lecture

Using Timelines in Counselling

In this lecture, you will learn from counsellor and trainer Emma Chapman what a timeline is, why you might choose to use one, and the benefits of doing so in a therapeutic setting. By the end of the lecture, you can expect to be able to: describe what a timeline is understand the benefits of

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Using Timelines in Counselling - CPD lecture

Working with Goals in Therapy

This lecture offers you the opportunity to learn about working with goals in therapy from Mick Cooper, Professor of Counselling Psychology at the University of Roehampton. Mick introduces the topic by looking at what goals are and why they matter. He draws on research evidence to show the wide range of goal types that clients

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Working with Goals in Therapy CPD lecture

Special Edition – Q&A with the National Counselling Society

Special Edition – Q&A with the National Counselling Society In this special edition of the Counselling Tutor Podcast, Rory Lees-Oakes interviews two members of the National Counselling Society’s Council – Freya Bottomley (Interim Chief Executive during Chief Executive Meg Moss’s maternity leave) and Jyles Robillard Day (Head of Engagement and Development). Rory asks questions posed

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Special Edition Podcast featured image - Q&A with the National Counselling Society