238 – How to Get Counselling Clients

238 – How to Get Counselling Clients Boundaries in Counselling – Race, Culture and Anti-Discrimination in Counselling In Episode 238 of the Counselling Tutor Podcast, your hosts Rory Lees-Oakes and Ken Kelly take us through this week’s three topics: In ‘Theory in Practice’, we’ll look at boundaries in counselling. Then in ‘Practice Partner’, Rory and

238 – How to Get Counselling Clients Read More »

CT-Podcast-Ep238 featured image - Topics Discussed: Boundaries in Counselling – How to Get Counselling Clients – Race, Culture and Anti-Discrimination in Counselling

237 – Record-Keeping in Counselling

237 – Record-Keeping in Counselling Frame of Reference – Integrative Counselling In Episode 237 of the Counselling Tutor Podcast, your hosts Rory Lees-Oakes and Ken Kelly take us through this week’s three topics: In ‘Theory in Practice’, we’ll look at frame of reference. Then in ‘Practice Partner’ Rory and Ken will discuss record keeping in

237 – Record-Keeping in Counselling Read More »

CT-Podcast-Ep237 featured image - Topics Discussed: Frame of Reference – Record-Keeping in Counselling – Integrative Counselling

234 – Using Humour in Therapy

234 – Using Humour in Therapy How to Use the Core Conditions in Counselling – Business Mindset for Counsellors Back with a new season of the Counselling Tutor Podcast after the academic break, your hosts Rory Lees-Oakes and Ken Kelly are thrilled to be back with today’s three topics – two of which are brand

234 – Using Humour in Therapy Read More »

CT Podcast Ep234 featured image - Topics Discussed: How to Use the Core Conditions in Counselling – Business Mindset for Counsellors – Using Humour in Therapy

233 – Focusing in Counselling

233 – Focusing in Counselling Phenomenology – New Beginnings In Episode 233 of the Counselling Tutor Podcast – the last of the season – your hosts Rory Lees-Oakes and Ken Kelly take us through today’s three topics: In ‘Counselling Foundations’, we look at phenomenology – the philosophy of perception. Then in ‘Focus on Self’, we

233 – Focusing in Counselling Read More »

CT-Podcast-Ep233 featured image - Topics Discussed: Phenomenology – New Beginnings – Focusing in Counselling