SCoPEd: Summary of Views and Perspectives

SCoPEd: Summary of Views and Perspectives Background Scope of Practice and Education (SCoPEd) is a framework that sets out the core training requirements and practice standards for counsellors and psychotherapists working with adult clients. It has been developed by six professional bodies that hold registers accredited by the Professional Standards Authority (PSA): Association of Christians in Counselling […]

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257 – Counselling Muslim Clients

257 – Counselling Muslim Clients Locus of Evaluation – Meeting a Client in a Social Setting In Episode 257 of the Counselling Tutor Podcast, your hosts Rory Lees-Oakes and Ken Kelly take us through this week’s three topics: First up in ‘Theory in Practice’ we look at Locus of Evaluation. Then in ‘Practice Today’, we

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CT-Podcast-Ep257 featured image - Topics Discussed: Locus of Evaluation – Meeting a Client in a Social Setting – Counselling Muslim Clients

256 – TEAM CBT

256 – TEAM CBT Building Rapport in Counselling – Use of Transitional Objects in Therapy In Episode 256 of the Counselling Tutor Podcast, your hosts Rory Lees-Oakes and Ken Kelly are back with this week’s three topics: Firstly in ‘Theory in Practice’, we look at building rapport. Then in ‘Practice Today’, Rory and Ken discuss

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CT-Podcast-Ep256 featured image - Topics Discussed: Building Rapport in Counselling – Use of Transitional Objects in Therapy – TEAM CBT

Special Edition: Winston’s Wish

Special Episode: Winston’s Wish In this Special Episode of the Counselling Tutor Podcast, your host Rory Lees-Oakes speaks with Letizia Perna, the Director of Services and Service Transformation for the charity Winston’s Wish. An introduction to Winston’s Wish: The first UK childhood bereavement charity. The charity turns 30yrs old this year (2023). They offer support,

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254 – Counselling Celebrities

254 – Counselling Celebrities Closing a Therapy Session – Counselling Mothers Returning to Work after Maternity Leave In Episode 254 of the Counselling Tutor Podcast, your hosts Rory Lees-Oakes and Ken Kelly take us through this week’s three topics: First up in ‘Theory in Practice’ we look at the art of closing a therapy session.

254 – Counselling Celebrities Read More »

CT-Podcast-Ep254 featured image - Topics Discussed: Closing a Therapy Session – Counselling Celebrities – Counselling Mothers Returning to Work after Maternity Leave